You must register to play this hunt. Registration is free. Make sure to use a real email because you'll need to use the link in the email to access the treasure hunt.
Full Name:
Team Name:
What is the hunt format?
This is a mix between a treasure hunt and a puzzle hunt. On July 1st we will release the first puzzle and 2 Meta puzzles. The only thing you need to solve are the 2 Meta puzzles. But solving individual puzzles released throughout the hunt is the only way to solve those metas. Not all puzzles will be strictly necessary to solve the metas but the more you solve the more info you will have for the metas. Each day between July 1st and July 10th a puzzle will be released at 7pm ET. On July 11th a hint will be released for Meta 1. On July 12th a hint will be released for Meta 2. Your goal should be to complete this hunt before those hints come out, but don't feel bad if you need a nudge or if your life is busy and you don't have time to get to everything before the major hints come out.
Each day's puzzle will look very much like a puzzle hunt puzzle. The emphasis will be more on logical and less on "aha gotcha" style puzzles. This is still a treasure hunt so it will require some level inspiration and trial and error, but not nearly as much as normal treasure hunts. Just know the puzzles weren't built to be extremely difficult. We designed the puzzles so that they hopefully won't take the vast majority of people over an hour on average to complete.
Each day's puzzle will look very much like a puzzle hunt puzzle. The emphasis will be more on logical and less on "aha gotcha" style puzzles. This is still a treasure hunt so it will require some level inspiration and trial and error, but not nearly as much as normal treasure hunts. Just know the puzzles weren't built to be extremely difficult. We designed the puzzles so that they hopefully won't take the vast majority of people over an hour on average to complete.
Is this Armchair or Boots on the Ground?
This hunt is 100% online and armchair. You do not need to go BOTG at all. All clues will be released on this website
and all answers will be submitted on this website.
What is the prize?
We've put together 3 prize baskets full of 80s memorabilia. You will be competing for raffle tickets into the drawing for those baskets. The quicker you solve the meta puzzles the more raffle tickets you will get. You must have a mailing address in the Continental United States to receive a prize. If you aren't in the 48 United States feel free to play for fun.

How long will this last?
This hunt will last for 12 Days. After that day submissions will end.
This Treasure Hunt's Theme
This hunt is all about the 1980's! Music, movies, video games, historical facts, etc are all fair game.
Do I have to do this alone?
Absolutely not! You are free to team up. Just be advised that this wasn't built to be a devilishly difficult hunt. We expect most people that stick with it to complete it before time runs out. The real competition will be in who can finish it quickest. If you're goal is to challenge yourself and reap the rewards of stretching your brain then you will want to limit your team size. But it's all up to you.
Can I get a hint?
At no time can you ask for a hint. We will not give out individual hints. If we feel like a hint is necessary we will be making it available on our Facebook page and group. We've built in 2 major hints to be released on the last 2 days of the hunt. We expect those to be enough to get you over the line if you haven't already finished the hunt.
Who are you?

Example past hunt (Christmas 2020):
Past winners